¿Qué ver en Fernbank museum of natural history, Atlanta?
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The Fernbank Museum of Natural History is located in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States. The museum offers a range of exhibits and activities that focus on natural history, including interactive displays, a giant screen theater, and a variety of special events and programs.
The museum is open Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm, and on weekends from 10am to 6pm. Admission prices vary depending on age and membership status, but generally range from $16 to $20 for adults and $12 to $18 for children.
The official website for the Fernbank Museum of Natural History is www.fernbankmuseum.org, where visitors can find more information about exhibits, events, and educational programs, as well as purchase tickets and memberships.
In the surrounding area, visitors can explore a variety of cultural and historical attractions, including the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site, the High Museum of Art, and the Atlanta History Center. These attractions generally have their own operating hours and admission prices, which can be found on their respective websites.
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